Wednesday, April 28, 2010


This past Friday I was having some pain in my right side. So, the doctor asked me to come in on Monday. The doctor examined me and listened to the baby's heartbeat. She said everything seemed okay, but wanted me to go the hospital for an ultrasound (her ultrasound tech was not in) just to be on the safe side. During the ultrasound the tech asked me if I've had an ultrasound with this pregnancy yet. I told her yes, it was when I was at six weeks. She asked if we were able to see anything at that time. I started getting a little worried when she asked me that, but I told her, "yes, but the baby was so small and we could just barely see the heartbeat." Then came the words that totally shocked me. She asked, "Did they tell you it was two?"

Two...are you serious!!! She turned the screen so that I could see them. Sure enough there they were. Two of them! I was speechless. All I could do was cry. I couldn't wait to leave the hospital so I could call Danny and tell him the news. I am just amazed!

Well, after finding out this news, my doctor wanted to see me back on Tuesday. They did another ultrasound at the doctors office just to confirm what the hospital had told them. Then my doctor came in and talked to me. She told me they are very concerned because they believe that I have Monoamniotic twins. Which means they share the same amniotic sac. There is no seperation between the babies. This occurs in only 1% of twin pregnancies. She decided it would be best to send me to Duke. I have researched Monoamniotic twins on the internet. Some of the information can be kind of scary. However, I have full trust in the Lord. I told Danny that this is the way the Lord likes to work. When we have to put all of our faith, hope, and trust in the Lord, and lean completely on Him, He will never let us down. The Lord likes to work in these types of situations. When all people can say is....But God!

I thank the Lord for entrusting me with Little Danny and now these twins. All I can do is be the best mommy I know how to be with the Lords help. Please keep all of us in your prayers.


Katy Larsen said...

Praying for you and these two little lives. You are so true---put ALL your faith and trust in the Lord and he will see you through What a wonderful blessing! xxx

Lilly's Mom (Desiree) said...

Congrats on finding out you are having twins!! How exciting!!!
:-) Thanks for the comment that you left on my blog.
My husband will be praying for you, and your newest additions.

