Saturday, April 10, 2010

6 months

Monday, April 5th was 6 months since Little Danny went to be with the Lord. Has it really been 6 months? Sometimes it seems like it was just yesterday that I held him in my arms, and sometimes it feels like it's been forever since I kissed his little cheek. I still miss him so much. Most days these days are good. I don't cry as much anymore.  I still look at his picture that is right beside my bed everyday. My heart still longs to be with him. However, I still find peace in knowing that he is in the arms of Jesus, and that one day I will be with him, where we will never have to part again.

Well, I guess the dream that I had in February wasn't just the pizza I ate. God was telling me something very special, because in March we found out that we are going to be parents again! We are totally excited and are praying that everything goes well. Please keep us in your prayers.

I had a doctor's appointment on April 5th. I was able to see baby #2's heartbeat for the first time. I was very excited! I thought about how God gives us such good blessings. When I woke up that morning I thought about how 6 months ago I heard the dreaded words no mommy should ever have to hear, "there is no heartbeat", and how sad I was that day. However, by the end of the day on April 5th, I thought about how God is so good to his children, that He allowed me to see the heartbeat of our second child that day. He knew that I needed something special that day to brighten my spirtis. He always knows what you need when you need it. This child will never take the place of Little Danny, he will always be our first child and will always have a special place in our hearts. But I thank God for giving us another child, and I give Him all the praise and honor for it.


Sara said...

Praise God, Kristel! That little one inside of you is such a blessing. I am excited to be on this road with you! =- ) I'm sure Carter and Little Danny are up there looking down on their pregnant mommies smiling like crazy.

Kristel said...

Thanks so much Sara! It's comforting to know that there are other women who are on this same road who are praying for you as you pray for them. God Bless!