Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dream A Little Dream

I know some people don't put much stock into dreams, but I do. Of course some crazy dreams that you have are just due to the pizza you ate before you went to sleep. But there are times when you have a dream that sticks with you. Those are the dreams that I believe God gives you. Well, the other night I had one of those dreams that has stuck with me. I dreamed that I was taking the clothes out of the washing machine (don't know why I would dream about doing laundry...not really my favorite thing to do!!), anyway, I would hold up the piece of clothing to look at it before I put it into the dryer. What makes this dream stand out to me was what I was putting into the dryer...onesies (I guess I spelled that right). And the last one that I held up had in bright colors written HAPPY BIRTHDAY across the front. I don't know what this dream means...if it means anything. Only time will tell. God has given me dreams before that I have no doubt were from Him. So there is no telling what God is up to. I just pray for His will to be done in my life that He may be glorified.  I am excited to see what God has in store...whatever that may be.