Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dream A Little Dream

I know some people don't put much stock into dreams, but I do. Of course some crazy dreams that you have are just due to the pizza you ate before you went to sleep. But there are times when you have a dream that sticks with you. Those are the dreams that I believe God gives you. Well, the other night I had one of those dreams that has stuck with me. I dreamed that I was taking the clothes out of the washing machine (don't know why I would dream about doing laundry...not really my favorite thing to do!!), anyway, I would hold up the piece of clothing to look at it before I put it into the dryer. What makes this dream stand out to me was what I was putting into the dryer...onesies (I guess I spelled that right). And the last one that I held up had in bright colors written HAPPY BIRTHDAY across the front. I don't know what this dream means...if it means anything. Only time will tell. God has given me dreams before that I have no doubt were from Him. So there is no telling what God is up to. I just pray for His will to be done in my life that He may be glorified.  I am excited to see what God has in store...whatever that may be.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Where Did I Lose My Victory?

Danny preached a message yesterday morning titled, "Where Have We Lost Our Victory?" Boy, did this hit home for me. The past few weeks have been so hard for me. I felt like I had lost my victory. I looked back yesterday thinking, "Where did I lose my victory, and how can I get it back?" There are times in your life when you get knocked down so hard that you don't know how to get back up. Yesterday, I realized that is where is where I am. I've been knocked down so hard that I don't know how to get up. But I also realized that I am not able to get up through my own strength. It's times like this that all you can do is hold on to Jesus... let Him pick you up. It may be a slow process, but if you allow Him, He will not fail you. I am still  learning that. I know things in life may not always go the way you expect them to. I know that sometimes in life we will experience things that knock us down...hard. However, when times like these come I want to be walking so close to the Lord that I allow Him to pick me up. And that I am able say that through the power of Jesus Christ, I still have victory. I know that I am still going to have bad days and good days for a long time to come. However, He has been with me through it all and will continue to be with me in the days to come.  

Saturday, February 6, 2010


This week has been a blur...some days, some weeks can go by and I am "okay", however there are some days, and some weeks where I don't  feel so "okay". This past week was one of them. Thursday it all hit me. I came tumbling down like a ton of bricks. It's funny how life is...sitting at work, surrounded on every side by people, however you feel like you are a 100 miles away...all alone, wanting to just break down and cry but you fight so hard to hold  back the tears, because you know that if you let just one out that it will become a flowing river. However, you can only act so strong for so long before you just have to let it all go. Danny always knows when something is on my mind. I'm so glad that he is always right there for me when the rivers do start to flow.

Sometimes I feel like I am on an emotional rollercoaster. These feelings are so hard for me to deal with because I have always been a very positive person. I usually don't let things get me down. I know, however that this is different. It's just hard for me to allow myself to be weak. However, even through all of these emotions I know that God is teaching and moulding me into what He wants me to be. Some days I just miss Little Danny soooo much I can hardly stand it. It feels as though my heart is breaking inside me. Some days I just want to hold him, and all I can do is cry, because I know that I can't...at least not right now.

However when I stand back and look at the big picture, I know that I will be with him again. Only this time it will be in heaven for all eternity. Stop and evaluate the word, E-T-E-R-N-I-T-Y. WOW!!! James 4:14 says, "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." When you stop to think of  how short our lives really are compared to eternity, it's really not that long. I went to the movies tonight with some friends from work. We saw Dear John, which was a really good movie. Anyway, in the movie they tell each other, "See ya soon" anytime they had to leave each other. So tonight I say "See ya soon." to my sweet baby boy. See ya soon in Eternity.