Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Do It Again

I had a doctor's appointment on Monday. Everything looks good. My blood tests came back good. They couldn't find anything wrong with me that would have caused us to lose Little Danny. My doctor said we could start trying again for another baby after December 5th.

I'm excited about that and at the same time hesitant. But let me tell you, the Lord always knows what we need and when we need it.

My IPod had messed up while I was pregnant. I had downloaded some podcasts, but was unable able to listen to them. However, my sister fixed my IPod for me last week. She's so great! Well, yesterday I listened to a podcast sermon from TD Jakes called "Do It Again". I felt like God was speaking directly to me about the feelings I have been having about trying again. Let me share some of what he said:

What do you do when you tried and failed? When your dreams have been shattered, and you want to give up, because trying again means hurting again. It means risking again. It means believing again. It means hoping again. But God said "Do it again". When you've been through something so bad. You may have survived but something on the inside died in the process. You're a shell of what you would have been, what you could have been, what you ought to have been, because life has cost you so much that you're working with a deficit. But God said "I will restore that empty place in your heart." We have a God that will restore back the chance that you lost. God said, "Do It Again". God is not finished with you yet. So having all you have done to stand, stand therefore with your loins girt about with truth, put on the whole armour of God that you might be able to stand the wiles of the devil, and having done all to stand, Stand Anyway. I'm broken, but I'm going to stand anyway, I'm burdened, but I'm going stand anyway, I'm hurt, but I'm going to stand anyway, I'm confused, but I'm going to stand anyway, I'm weak, but I'm going to stand anyway. For the Lord said "I will restore", therefore He says, "Do It Again".

Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." 
And so even though trying again means risking again. I am willing to "Do It Again", because I am standing on the faith that God will restore that empty place within me.