Saturday, January 30, 2010

5 Years Ago

I know that it's been a while since my last blog. I just have been getting my thoughts together. Yesterday was mine and Danny's 5th anniversary! Wow, it doesn't seem like 5 years. 5 years ago I would have never guessed that we would have gone through all that we have together. The key word is "together". We are stronger as a couple for all that we have gone through. The card he bought me was so sweet. There is a part in it that says, "...and feeling our worries melt away in the warmth of each other's arms..." I can say that has been especially true this past year. We have needed each other more with each passing day, and I can say that he has been right there by my side. I am so very blessed to have him as my husband. I know that the Lord has great things ahead for us.