Saturday, January 30, 2010

5 Years Ago

I know that it's been a while since my last blog. I just have been getting my thoughts together. Yesterday was mine and Danny's 5th anniversary! Wow, it doesn't seem like 5 years. 5 years ago I would have never guessed that we would have gone through all that we have together. The key word is "together". We are stronger as a couple for all that we have gone through. The card he bought me was so sweet. There is a part in it that says, "...and feeling our worries melt away in the warmth of each other's arms..." I can say that has been especially true this past year. We have needed each other more with each passing day, and I can say that he has been right there by my side. I am so very blessed to have him as my husband. I know that the Lord has great things ahead for us. 

Monday, January 4, 2010

Precious Memories...2009

2009 was a year I will never forget, and a year that is hard to leave behind. I was pregnant for most of the year. We found out we were pregnant with Little Danny in February. In 2009 I was as happy as I have ever been, finding out we were finally going to be parents! And in that same year as sad and broken hearted as I have ever been, finding out the hurt and pain of losing your only child.

I have learned alot this past year. I've learned to not take life for granted and to cherish every moment of it. I've learned not to let a day go by without letting the one's you love know how much they mean to you. Those of you who have children, I hope that you know what you have is so very precious. Love your children...hug them, kiss them, hold them. That is something that I only had a short opportunity to do with Little Danny...and everyday I wish that I had more time to do . You have that right now, so don't let that time slip by, because life is too short and it is over before we know it.

I've also learned that even when we don't understand, we can find comfort in Jesus. I have learned first hand that no matter how dark things may seem, when you call on Him, He will always be right there for you, He knows your hurt and He cares for you. He has been my source of strength through it all.

With another year, it brings new hopes and dreams. I pray that God continues to heal my broken heart, and that He continues to give me strength from day to day. I pray that God blesses us with another child. I pray that the Lord blesses me with a healthy pregnancy and a healthy child. Most of all I pray that I will have a closer walk with the Lord and that my life will be an example to others. And above all of my hopes, dreams,  and desires, I want His will to be done in my life.