Monday, September 6, 2010

Twin Update

First, I want to thank everyone who has been praying for us and the twins. I just wanted to give a quick update to let everyone know how things are going. GOD IS SO GOOD! The twins are doing great. I am almost 29 weeks now. At our last doctor's appointment the doctor said both babies fluid levels are at normal, and he does not see any sign of Twin to Twin Transfusion. PRAISE THE LORD! Both babies are growing and gaining weight well. Christopher (Baby A) weighs 2lbs 7oz, and Caleb (Baby B) our big boy, weighing in at 3lbs 6oz. Wow, how far we have come! We are so thankful. God is truly faithful. We are praying that I can make it at least until October 19th or beyond, which will be 35 weeks or more. It's amazing to see God at work!

I appreciate each person that takes time to read our story. Thanks again for all the prayers. Please continue to keep us lifted up.