Saturday, July 24, 2010

There's a Miracle in the Making

Hello everyone...I know it has been some time since I have posted. So, I have a lot of catching up to do. We found out that we do not have monamniotic twins, Duke was able to find a membrane which means we have Diamniotic twins. Danny and I were so relieved to hear that news. On June 14th we found out that the twins are boys. I was really happy to find out that they were boys. I kept thinking about having to pack up Little Danny's room, and it was not something I was looking forward to. Finding out we are having boys made it so much easier on me. Most of his things can just be passed down to his brothers. I have packed up a very few things that were specially made for him, that I wanted to keep as his.

Well, this pregnancy has been pretty tough on me. Thank goodness that the morning sickness has now passed. I lost a total of 15 lbs., but I have finally now gained it all back.

With every doctor's appointment we have had ultrasounds done, which is nice. I have a whole collection of pictures already. All the appointments were going great...until June 28th. The doctor came in after the ultrasound and told us that in all diamniotic twin pregnancies there is a 15% chance to develop twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. Which is where one baby takes too much nutrition and the other one does not get enough. They measure the amniotic fluid around each baby to determine if this is happening. When the receipient baby has more than 8 oz. of fluid and the donor baby has less then 2 oz. of fluid is the first sign of twin to twin transfusion. The doctor told me that it looked like I could possibly be developing this. She told me that baby A had 3 oz of fluid and baby B had 7 oz. of fluid. All I could do was cry. I could this be. I've already had to go through losing Little Danny and now there is a possiblity that I could loose these two as well. No, I don't know if I can go through this again. Well, we left the doctors office that day very discouraged, but still hopeful. We know that with God all things are possible. We determined to place the situation in the Lord's hands. He gave us these babies and He can very well take care of them. God can part the Red Sea, he can hold back the waters of Jordan, therefore I know that he can stabilize amniotic fluid.

Since then we have been praying, fasting, and believing that God keep these babies healthy. We have had weekly visits since June 28th. With every visit it would seem that we were closer and closer to twin to twin transfusion developing. On July 16th, the amniotic fluid around baby A was only 2.5% and baby B was 9%. The doctors said even though baby B is above 8% because baby A was not under 2% yet and the babies themselves look good, they would not intervene at this time. We just kept praying and believing that God would work a miracle without man's intervention.

Then came the good news! The last appointment we went to on July 23rd they told us that baby B's fluid was still the same, but baby A's fluid had gone up to 5.3%. Praise the Lord! God answers prayer. I thank the Lord for his faithfullness. He has worked and is working a miracle for us. Our next appointment is August 6th. Please just continue to keep all of us in your prayers.